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Some of my favorite quotes.

“Stop the world. I want to get off.”
Anthony Newly

“In individuals, insanity is rare; but in groups, parties, nations and epochs, it is the rule.”
Friedrich Nietzsche

“I became insane, with long intervals of horrible sanity!”
Edgar Allan Poe (1809-49), American poet

“America is an insane asylum run by the inmates.”
Lester Roloff (1914-1982)

“Earth is an insane asylum, to which the other planets deport their lunatics.”
Voltaire, in Memnon the Philosopher

“It is dangerous to be right when the government is wrong.”

“A time will come when the whole world will go mad. And to anyone who is not mad they will say: ‘You are mad, for you are not like us.'”
St. Anthony the Great (attributed to)

“The world is tragic to those who feel and comic to those who think.”
Robert Walpole

“Sometimes I think that the greatest sign that there is intelligent life somewhere in the universe is that it hasn’t tried to contact us yet.”
Bill Watterson, “Calvin and Hobbes”

“Years ago, it meant something to be crazy. Now everyone’s crazy.”
Charles Manson

“In a mad world, only the mad are sane.”
Akiro Kurosawa

“Beware when the great God lets loose a thinker on this planet.”
Ralph Waldo Emerson

“We do not have to visit a madhouse to find disordered minds; our planet is the mental institution of the universe.”
Johann von Goethe

“When dealing with the insane, the best method is to pretend to be sane.”
Hermann Hesse (1877 – 1962)

“What luck for rulers that men do not think.”
Adolf Hitler

“Maybe this world is another planet’s Hell.”
Aldous Huxley

“Show me a sane man and I will cure him for you.”
Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961), founder of analytical psychology

“Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one.”
Albert Einstein

“If we weren’t all crazy, we would go insane.”
Jimmy Buffett, entertainer, lyrics in “Changes In Latitudes, Changes In Attitudes”

“I like pigs. Dogs look up to us. Cats look down on us. Pigs treat us as equals.”
Sir Winston Churchil

“All are lunatics, but he who can analyze his delusions is called a philosopher.”
Ambrose Bierce

“Insanity is relative. It depends on who has who locked in what cage.”
Ray Bradbury

Dogbert: “Reality is always controlled by the people who are most insane.”
Scott Adams, Dilbert





I sit, all the lights off, in the corner of my bed. Its around 5am. Can’t sleep once again. I can feel them creeping around the room.
I already asked them to leave, let me be alone. I’m not scared of them, but they irritate me. How can I sleep when I know they are
watching? It is just rude. So I talk to them. They never answer, just listen. I suppose they listen. Sometimes i wish they would talk back
to me. I don’t think I would feel so lonely if they did. I can’t be around my friends anymore. I don’t know how to act around them. I am
a good lier but I can’t fake emotion or emotional connection and Idon’t want to have to explain why I am acting ‘off’so I lock myself in here.
All day, all night. 24 hours doesn’t seem like alot to most people, but when youare awake the entire time for days on end, it seems
almost like an eternity. It is quite hard. Makes me want to pull my hair out, tear at my skin, rock back and forth to stave off the irritibility.
My mother would call it ‘going stir crazy.’ I never honestly understood what she ment until now. Dealing with constant awareness is hard.
Everything is predictible. I go to the restroom twice a day. 3am and 3pm. I get 4 glasses of tea a day, the first always at midnight. I eat
one granola bar at 6pm. I think sometimes but at this point I have firgured out how to simply lie here without thought. Its almost like a high
to be honest. Perhaps this is the ‘higher state of being’ my psychology books speak of. I can’t be sure. I wish I had someone who could
understand. I did, breifly. I found someone almost exactly like me. But, like myself, his mind was riddled with paranoia and we simply could
not trust one another. This made me feel sad for a time. I almost even cried, but did not and overcame it quite fast. I was thankful to him,
it was pleasing to feel an emotion, even though it was a painful one. Now I feel nothing again. It is not a pleasant thing to experiance. Its a
hollow, numbness of the mind. I do remember having emotions at one time. It seems so long ago, but in reality its been over a year. I do
miss it. But I also remember the strangling pain that came with any hint of happiness. So I do not miss it often. My eyes burn now, even if I
only have on the small nightlights that are there so you do not hit your knees on furniture on the way to the bathroom in the night. I have
covered my single window and still long for sunglasses at all times. I have also noticed sounds seem louder. Not to the point of pain like the
lights, but I am positive that eventually the pain will come with noises too. I would fear that I will go insane, but I do believe that I have
reached that point. Although If I haven’t I feel great dread. I don’t enjoy imagening what it would be like to be worse than I am now.

So tired…

Its been 3 days
4 hours of sleep.
I have pain in my
head chest back and thighs.
I want to cry.
I feel like i might get sick.
I dont know what to do anymore.
I cant  keep going like this.
It hurts so bad.
I just want to sleep.
Sleep. Sleep, sleep.


You feel oh so alive
If I gave you the blade now
would you let it be my turn?
Can you really see me?
These circles around my eyes
that weigh me down
and the things i see
dont exist.
I smile as my mind twists
and rips.
Can you see the inside?
Hear me screaming?
Sleep escapes my grasp again
and i lie here
the darkman whispers
a deadly lullaby.
There is never a moment of peace.
I pull at my hair
and wish you where dead.
Just for a moment…
Just for a single dream…
Would you give your life to save me?


rotting remains
gurgling in the dark
you dont see me
i can hear your racing heart.
Give up, give in.
Your time has come.
I will embrace you tenderly
hands around your throat.
Dont be scared my love
You made your decision
in lives long past.
Blood coats my arms,
and I am home.
I reach up and take the darkmans hand
and he cradles me like a newborn.
The walls are closing in
but he will protect me
and keep my mind from colapsing,
I smile as he points to my new redemption.
This one looks so much like the last.
A brother perhaps.
I smile and take the hammer from the darkman.
My gaurdian.

Fritz Haarmann

Haarmann was a vicious and unscrupulous man who saw this as a business opportunity not to be missed.  He would pose as a policeman and pick up young vagrants who would hang around the main railway station in Hanover.  He would then lure them to his dirty lodgings on the Kellerstrasse.

Haarmann would sexually assault his victims before biting through their throats to kill them.  He would then strip them of their clothing; which he sold, take the meat from their bodies; which he sold, and dump their bodies in the River Leine.

In september 1919 Fritz Haarmann met a fellow homosexual degenerate named Hans Grans.  Together they formed a deadly partnership.  Grans was the dominant one in the relationship, who it is reported, treated Haarmann little better than a servant.  Grans would select their victims, and would keep a personal for himself.  He always made sure it was Haarmann who took all the risks.

During this time it is estimated that Grans and Haarmann were disposing of two victims a week to the black market meat trade.

One of their customers did however go to the police, suspicious of the meat they were about to consume.  They were told they should be grateful to find such a good piece of pork in such difficult times!

This activity went on until June 1924 when skulls started to be fished out of the River Leine.  And on 22 June  Fritz Haarmann was arrested for trying to molest a boy in the street.  The police then searched his apartment.  The police discovered piles of clothes awaiting sale.

Then on June 24 1924 a group of children found some human remains in a meadow and the River started to yield more than 500 bones.

Fritz Haarmann decided to confess all to the police and implicated Hans Grans.  The both stood trial in December 1924 at the Assizes in Hanover.  The trial lasted fourteen days.

Haarmann could not understand why he was only being charged with twenty seven murders when he could recollect well over forty.  During the trial he would constantly interrupt shouting abuse at any witnesses who had come forward.

Fritz Haarmann was sentenced to death and while in prison awaiting decapitation he made a lengthy confession.  He blamed his sexual perversion for his lust to kill.

Hans Grans on the other hand was sentenced to twelve years imprisonment.  I could not find any information as to what happened to him after his release.

The reason I find the crimes of  Fritz Haarmann so gruesome is not only the 27 brutal murders of which he was convicted.  It is the fact that he swore he could remember killing well over 40, and that he sold the “meat” on the black market.  Perhaps it is the hundreds of people who unwittingly ate the bodies who are the true victims.


I see this world
through the fog
Insomnia and schizophrenia
are my two companions
on this twisting path
your reality is fake
and I laugh.
My darkman whispers
who decideds you get to live?
My turn, my turn mommy!
Do you see them?
I can and they are all around you
You cannot hide from me.
Your time has come,
Grab my hand
we can play in the sand
you look oh so lovley
it frames your face.
Oh so peacful
as you fade from grace.
Your family should appriciate me
as your life dissapates.

Sweet Dreams

Purple and green neon fish
float above my head.
As here I lay to waste
In this empty bed.
It is so cold
I can’t help but to sweat.
Now I am alone again
the nightmares will rip me to shreds
so I stay awake and avoid the pain
speak with the darkman
so silently you cannot hear
purple bags hang from my eyes
swollen from another night
when will my rest come?
Do i truely wait until the end?
I can almost taste your blood
seeping through his hands
he ushers me in the right directon
and the blade slips through you chest.

Who is Your Queen?

Fading fading
into the past
cords of crimson around her wrist
is it ending
and just begining
the water turns green
and her lips turn blue
Its broken beyond repair
give it back give it back
the voices came back
when no one else would
who are your friends now?
I’ll never be alone
the darkman with the long face
it tickles when you whisper in my ear.
So far away from home
and now you are mine.
No no, love, shush now dont cry
do you not know how i care.
Take my blade upon your shoulders
and pray for my head.

Hello everyone!

I suppose I’ve been quite rude! I believe it is ettiquete to introduce onself, before striking up a conversation. Do forgive me 🙂

Now then, to the basics! My pen name is DarkOrchid. I am female. I am white, and I believe you will learn more if you stick about. Now this first post is a warning. I will not hold back on this blog. This is purely the things that bumble around in this mind of mine. So that is to say, there will be posts about… Differant subjects. If you do not like opinions about godlessness, or serial killers, mentality, and things of that nature; then it would be my advice to go away to another blogger. You may enjoy a car blogger, F.B., or maybe FunnyJunk.

All that being said, todays post is going to just be random facts. This will just be to give you all a general idea of what you may find on this blog.

1)According to suicide statistics, Monday is the favored day for self-destruction.

2)The Eisenhower interstate system requires that one mile in every five must be straight. These straight sections are usable as airstrips in times of war or other emergencies.

The Neanderthal’s brain was bigger than yours is.

The human heart creates enough pressure to squirt blood 30 feet (9 m).

The largest number of children born to one woman is recorded at 69. From 1725-1765, a Russian peasant woman gave birth to 16 sets of twins, 7 sets of triplets, and 4 sets of quadruplets.

When a pilot light in a gas barbecue fails to ignite the gas jets properly, it is easy for you to inhale gas accidentally while trying to light it by hand. If this has happened, when the match does light, sometimes a trail of flame will blaze from the jet onto your mouth, filling your lungs with fire. Oddly enough, you would suffocate before burning to death as the flame could consume the oxygen in every breath you would take.

If the government has no knowledge of aliens, then why does Title 14, section 1211 of the Code of Federal Regulations, implemented on July 16, 1969, make it illegal for U.S. citizens to have any contact with extraterrestrials or their vehicles?

A murder is committed in the US every 23 minutes, which makes about 22852 murders each year.

In the United States, poisoning is the fourth leading cause of death among children

All of the clocks in Pulp Fiction are stuck on 4:20

The fingerprints of koala bears are virtually indistinguishable from those of humans.

In 1977 a 13 year old boy had a tooth growing out of his foot


And thats just some of the types of things that will be featured here. I do hope you enjoy and return.

Blood filled Good- Byes,
